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Designing a computational model of the cost price of small-scale livestock via the Modiran company

Designing a computational model of the cost price of small-scale livestock via the Modiran company


This model, which was designed for the first time in Iran, includes the following features:

1- All calculations are designed based on 26 agricultural standards

2- This model can calculate all breeds of small-scale livestock without considering the type of livestock (goat or sheep).

3- Calculation methods for products are not limited to one product, and are able to calculate all final products, during production and by-products.

4- According to the livestock identification plan in the country, this model is able to calculate the cost of each livestock individually.

5- Using this model will allow the farmer to examine any variety of profits in products in the variety of imported, native, and mixed livestock.

It should be noted that in future working groups of small-scale livestock (production and finance) this model will be introduced and reviewed.

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